Sunday 14 October 2012

Pie Time!

Now that fall is finally here and the weather is cold enough to make you contemplate getting out your winter coat, it is time for fall baking! Which means while everyone is baking "pumpkin spice" everything, I was trying out pies (not pumpkin pies) for the first time. 

The idea seemed simple enough which was to buy pie crust and raspberry jam and cookie sticks, combine and bake. Actually, it seemed fool proof and they looked beautiful going into the oven. The problem took place in the oven where the pies went from "thanksgiving" to "halloween". I'm not sure if it was because the vents I cut weren't big enough or if it had to do with the sticks, but in the oven the pie crusts separated and oozed jam everywhere which made it look like a bloody mess.

Thankfully some of them came out clean like the one bellow and regardless of the appearance they were tasty. And since this blog has become more unsuccessful than successful in my baking pursuits, I'll be making sure to put up some good, classic recipes that were also brought to our thanksgiving feast.

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